Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Being transformed from the inside out

But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as from the Lord, the Spirit.
I have a devotional called "Jesus Calling" by Sarah Young.  This devotional shares the words Jesus laid on Sarah’s heart.  I can not tell you how many times the words for that day was exactly what I needed to hear for the things I was going through at that time.  Today was no different.
I have struggled with self image for years.  Today was a reminder that I need not worry about what the outside looks like because I am being transformed on the inside through my relationship with Him.  How many times do we fret and stew and pout because we don't like what our outside looks like but we don't have a thought about fixing our mind on Him and becoming transformed in His Glory.  When we are fully fixed on Him and we are totaling listening to what He is telling us to do, act, and live then the rest will fall into place.  I admit that I spend a lot more time depressed about what I look like or what others think of me then I do spending time in His word and applying those words to my life.  Here is what was written for today:
        Let my love enfold you in the radiance of My Glory.  Sit still in the Light of My Presence and receive My Peace.  These quiet moments with Me transcend time, accomplishing far more than you can imagine.  Bring Me the sacrifice of your time, and watch to see how abundantly I bless you and your loved ones.
       Through the intimacy of our relationship, you are being transformed from the inside out.  As you keep your focus on Me, I form you into the one I desire you to be.  Your part is to yield to My creative work in you, neither resisting it nor trying to speed it up.,  Enjoy the tempo of a God-breathed life by letting Me set the pace.  Hold My hand in childlike trust, and the way before you will open up step by step.
I didn't intend to write the whole thing but didn't know where to stop cause it was all good :)  I hope this spoke to you as it did me.  I highly recommend this book.  They also have an app for smart phones with the daily readings.  Here is the link:  
I would love to hear how God is transforming you from the inside out.  Feel free to leave a comment :)  
Have a great day!!!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I love my Kuerig......

I am sure there are some new Keurig users out there.  We bought one for my daughter for Christmas and then my husband got one for me.  I LOVE it!!!   However, I quickly found out that those little Kcups can add up.  You know, the ones that are pre filled with coffee.  The ones that make life so convenient because you just pop the little thing in the machine, push a button and in about a minute you are sipping on your fresh brewed cup of coffee. I can be running late but while I am getting my purse gathered and coat on my coffee is brewing, I just grab it and go. But I think it is around 50 or 60 cents a cup, maybe more.  Now I know that is slightly cheaper than McDonalds and much cheaper then coffee house lattes but still it can get expensive.  Especially if you are drinking several cups a day.  So I bought one of those My Kcup things.  It has a permanent filter in it but sometimes grounds found their way into my cup and I didn't think it was as good, still good but I liked the Kcups better.  Plus you had to pop out the housing for the Kcups and slip in the My Kcup.  Not a huge deal but still.......  anyway I was browsing on Amazon and came across these little caps that you put on your used Kcups after filling them with your coffee.  They were pretty cheap and the reviews were all positive (I always look at the reviews).  They are called DisposaKup Lids.  So I ordered them. Here is what I got:
Just the lid, not the cup.  I got 100 lids and I love them.  So this is how they work.  After you have brewed your coffee from the Kcup you bought at the store, you take off the foil top, rinse out the coffee and let it dry.  So I started this when I ordered mine so I had a few saved up when the lids arrived.  This is what it will look like once it is dry.------>  See the little filter in there?  Keeps all the coffee in the pod, none will make their way into your cup :)  After you have some cups ready you just put your own coffee in and pop on the cap.  Sometimes the caps can be tough to put on till you get the hang of it.  They fit tight which is good.  It needs to handle the pressure of the water that makes Keurig coffee so good but it also can be a challenge.  I found that walking my fingers around the lid while pushing up from the bottom of the cup worked for me.  Don't squeeze the cup because they will collapse on you.  I fill about 4-6 up at once so they will be ready for me when I want my Starbucks house blend coffee.  When I do I just pop it into the machine like my purchased cups.  I always line up the punctured hole on the bottom with the needle in the machine so I don't have more then one hole in the bottom of the cup so there is not extra water coming out.  I don't know if it matters but I read that in one of the reviews.  When you are done the lid will have a hole in the top.  If I am making a second cup (or 3rd or 4th......) I just reuse the lid and cup.  Save even more money :)
Here is a picture of my coffee basket.  It was on sale at Michael's for 40% off and much cheaper then one of those holders Keurig makes.  Plus I have my tea and sweetener in there and sugar bowl.  Everything is much neater then it was before.  So enough of my rambling on about coffee.  If you have any Keurig tips I would love to hear them.


Why I decided to blog again....

You may have heard of this little web site called Pinterest. A few people use it now :) Well, I have been one of those and as you know it can really take up a day. But I have loved following the links to blogs of some wonderful people. People that are giving us helpful household tips, decorating advice, event planning help and so on. And on some of them you feel like you are getting to know the author of the blog. One blog I follow, A Merry Life is written by a young lady that has a weight loss blog. She met her now husband through blogging and I have watched them get engaged and now married and her adventures of moving from Tennessee to New Zealand.

It got me thinking, I am getting to share in someones life I have never met and chances are I never will. Wouldn't it have been cool if my grandparents would have had a blog. I would have gotten to know them as young loves, young parents and eventually grandparents. I would have loved to see and hear about their everyday lives.

Well, I am going to be a grandparent this summer!! I am so excited. I hope that I get to live close to all my kids and their kids for the rest of my life but reality is, that may not be in God's plans. So, if I am consistent and stay with this, I hope that no matter if we live near or far, they can read some of my ramblings one day and I can teach them things about me and about what I have learned in this life. Of course I plan on being in their "Real Life" but sometimes I may just put down a thought or two that will give them a glimpse into my life that they would not otherwise see.

Well, I don't know if this makes sense but for now I will just blog about who knows what. I may share a bible verse God has shown me. Maybe a story about my day, or I may share an idea I have or a recipe I found. I may show you my latest Pinterest project. Maybe a picture or two may appear.

Join me if you would like. I'd love the company :)